Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Simple Christmas Buffet Spread

I returned to Singapore on the 23 December after a long trip to Australia, Phuket, Koh Samui and then KL. It was really exhausting having to work in between play : ) Nevertheless I really had a great time catching up with friends... and of course am very honored to be able to witness the marriage of my dear friend, Kim.

I've promised my mum her favourite roast turkey, strawberry birthday cake and honey baked ham before I left for my trip. I thought it was just impossible to accomplish this mission... when I arrived on 23 December. Luckily sis was with me and together we managed to storm up a rather reasonable buffet dinner. We really had a good time dipping into yummy food, and getting together again, chatting and chatting away. To tell you the truth, I actually missed them while I was away... hee hee...

1 comment:

HomeKreation said...

Welcome back Olivia & your turkey look so yummy...Roz